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Leonardo Valencia, Sara Zonensain and Julián Camilo Acevedo are three of the students who decided to do their internships abroad. Their aim is to strengthen their knowledge of European and Asian organizations.

The leading company in manufacturing technology for nanosatellites in the Netherlands, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel and the flagship dairy company of traditional cheese in Spain, will be the working goal and setting for the three Sergistas throughout this second semester. Leonardo Valencia, Sara Zonensain and Julián Camilo Acevedo will be able to develop their skills in areas such as industrial engineering, social communication and marketing.

Leonardo, a student of Industrial Engineering and a participant in an analogous mission to Mars, will participate this time in the analysis, design and optimization of the systems of structures and technical control of a nanosatellite, at the ISIS facilities in Delft, the Netherlands.

I want to learn new things about nanosatellites and these countries have an advanced knowledge in this type of techniques. This company is a world leader in manufacturing technology, which gives me the opportunity to grow professionally” said Leonardo Valencia, a student of Industrial Engineering at Sergio Arboleda University.

Colciencias, through its Young Researchers program, gave Leonardo his first technical knowledge in nanosatellites; he hopes that this learning experience will nurture his knowledge and take him a step closer to fulfilling all his dreams.

My interest in astronomy led me to dream about everything related to space. Those of us who had a telescope or used to watch “Cosmos” by Carl Sagan, science fiction films and documentaries, understand the passion for these subjects,” says Leonardo Valencia.

Sara Zonensain, a student of Social Communication and Journalism, will do her internships in Tel Aviv, a city in Israel with modern architecture and the ninth most beautiful beach in the world.

“Even though the city has suffered a lot due to the war, I’m very excited about this opportunity; this place has had an impressive growth, and I am sure it will allow me to develop professionally … I might even consider moving there in the future,” added Sara.

At the embassy, Sara will develop internal and external communication strategies to highlight the aid the Colombian Embassy in Tel Aviv provides to the Colombians living in this city.

Julián Camilo, a student of Marketing and International Business, will work for García Baquero S.A., recognized for years as the flagship dairy company of traditional cheese in Spain. “It’s always good to know different cultures and people; as for my career, it is key to learn how Europeans manage marketing in their organizations; without doubt, this is a great opportunity for my professional growth“.

Julián hopes to develop his potential in his professional internship; among his responsibilities, he has to assist a group of professionals in charge of digital marketing in social networks.

Leonardo, Sara and Julián Camilo invite all Sergistas who wish to do their internship abroad, to take advantage of all the opportunities offered by the University through its Office of International Relations – ORI.